INGREDIENT: Pepper, Garlic, Rice flour, Red Chilly, Green Chilly, Jeera.

Milagu Thattai, also known as Pepper Thattai or Pepper Rice Crackers, is a popular South Indian snack. It is made from a mixture of rice flour, gram flour (besan), and spices, which is shaped into discs and deep-fried until crispy.

Milagu Thattai has a crunchy texture and a distinctive savory taste with a hint of spiciness from the black pepper. It is often enjoyed as a tea-time snack or served during festivals and special occasions in South India.

This Vegan snack is known for its unique shape and texture, with the discs having a pattern of small holes or indentations. These indentations not only add to the visual appeal but also help the thattai to cook evenly and become crispy.

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