INGREDIENTS: Tender Coconut Pulp, Ghee, Jaggery Powder, Rice Flour, Cashew Nuts Crushed, Raisins.

Tender coconut halwa, also known as elaneer halwa, is a delicious sweet dish made from tender coconut pulp and other ingredients. It is a popular dessert in South India, particularly in the coastal regions where tender coconuts are abundant.

Tender coconut halwa has a unique flavor profile with a delicate coconut taste, natural sweetness, and a creamy texture. It is enjoyed as a dessert or sweet treat, particularly during festive occasions, weddings, and special celebrations in South India.

The use of tender coconut pulp gives the halwa a refreshing and tropical twist compared to traditional halwa varieties. It is loved for its smooth and melt-in-your-mouth texture and the subtle fragrance of coconut.

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